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Does it effect your Choice of Clothing, Self Esteem or even your relationships?

Finally two processes are available that  offer both short term and long term solutions.

Although cellulite is a medical condition, it is also a lifestyle and emotional problem for many women. How much does Cellulite effect you. 


Are you worried about your unsightly cellulite?

Acoustic Wave Therapy the latest breakthrough in the treatment of Cellulite is now available in Australia.

With treatments available for only $99 to the first 200 callers in this special Australian Launch offer.  

Change your body type in less than 3 hours.

So if you are looking for an instant result, for that special occasion, whether it be, getting ready for summer, a party, wedding, or that all important first date,

then International Body Wrap is the perfect choice.

Whilst the scientific data confirms the breakthrough nature of this technology an Acoustic Wave Survey of patients also confirms results.

OR CALL 1300 DIMPLES ( 1300 3467537)
Do you understandthe true causes of cellulite and loose under arm skin?
Would you like a detailed medical description of the causes?
Are you interestedin a long term solution to the problem and not just a quick fix?
Would you be more confident if your skin regained elasticity and was much more smoother?


OR CALL 1300 DIMPLES ( 1300 3467537)


Whilst the scientific data confirms the breakthrough nature of this technology an Acoustic Wave Survey of patients also confirms results.

AWT is a medical process not a cosmetic treatment and an "Acoustic Wave Therapy" survey confirms results.


OR CALL 1300 DIMPLES ( 1300 3467537)


To understand how a treatment solution for Cellulite can be developed we must first understand the true causes of Cellulite. 


The lack of circulation caused by ageing and genetics leaves the fibrous tissue undernourished and causes it to harden and contract giving the “pulling down” effect.

Additionally, the contraction leads to a blockage of the blood vessels and lymphatic. The blood vessel blockage further hardens the septae. The lymphatic blockage leads to thick, swollen appearing skin. The second major cause of cellulite is protrusion of fat cells into the lower part of the skin known as the reticular dermis This protrusion results in worsening of the dimpling

And thirdly this lack of circulation results in a thinner dermis which offers less resistance to the enlarged cells which push up to accentuate the pulling down effect and causing the “dimpled” appearance.

To understand the true potential of the AWT equipment it  may be easier to visualise how it has been used to completely restore circulation in extreme medical cases.

In this patient case unfortunately the left leg  was amputated due to gangrene and the right leg was at an advanced state of Gangrene.

 After the first treatment blood circulation has increased markedly to the entire foot. After 7 treatments the blood flow was stable and the leg in a positive sustainable condition. No amputation was necessary thereafter. 


The power of Shock waves to re stimulate circulation cannot be underestimated and this result is testimony to the long term effects.

And remember this is a completely non invasive procedure, no needles or incisions.

OR CALL 1300 DIMPLES ( 1300 3467537)


Therefore in simple terms the root cause of Cellulite is the lack of Circulation in the affected areas, and any effort to effectively treat cellulite must address the problem of circulation.

“AWT in dermatology may become the first
non-invasive treatment method to ensure effective and long-lasting therapy of age-related connective tissue weakness in the extremities, especially in the treatment of unsightly cosmetic skin defects referred to as cellulite.

AWT may be developed  into a promising, safe therapy method with long-lasting effectiveness in  body shaping and skin rejuvenation”.
 -Dr. Werner Siems

Many women blame Cellulite or loose under arm skin for their choice of beach wear . Do these problems effect what you wear on the beach ?

Do you feel comfortable in a Bikini on the Beach ?

Does concerns about cellulite sub-consciously reduce the number of Beach Days or Outdoor days you spend with friends and family? 

OR CALL 1300 DIMPLES ( 1300 3467537)

Many women blame Cellulite and loose under arm skin for their choice of clothing. Do these problems effect what you wear ?

Some women have suggested that concerns about Cellulite effects their self-esteem and ultimately their relationships.

Do  you  agree with these statements or think this would only be true in a very small minority of cases.


Last year it was estimated that Australian women spent over $100 million dollars on treatments, creams potions and lotions in an effort to reduce or eliminate the “lumps and bumps” of cellulite with little or no results. They may have poured the money down the drain.


For the first time in their lives my patients have experienced life changing results from Acoustic Wave Therapy.

Women who were tired of empty promises from creams, pills and exercise, have now seen results that exceed their expectations.

With this new Acoustic Wave technology for Cellulite it is rewarding to see a patients dreams blossom into reality.

- Dr Jason Holbrook.

Not Just a Short term solution…..AWT continues to show improvement even SIX MONTHS AFTER THE TREATMENT PROCESS HAD FINISHED.

In scientific trials of Acoustic Wave Therapy in Europe leading dermatologist Dr Maurice Adatto stated that.

Patients clearly benefit from a reduction in the appearance of cellulite using acoustic wave therapy(AWT) 1 week after the last treatment (follow-up 1). The observed differences between treated and untreated legs are considerable with regard to the visual parameters of dimples (elevations and depressions), skin roughness, and skin elasticity. This study demonstrates that AWT with the D-ACTOR 200 improves the visual appearance of cellulite in the gluteal-femoral region. While this study focused on the cosmetic effects of EPAT, it is theorized that the results achieved by acoustic wave stimulation may have resulted in improved lymph-drainage and microcirculation within the tissue. At follow-up 2 (3 months after the last treatment), the result was not only maintained, but the treated leg showed even further improvement.



Madonna has just bought one of these $80,000 AWT machines and this exciting new technology ...
...is now available In Australia

Professor Francesco Canonaco, heads the “leg school” at the exclusive Capri Hotel in Italy, a retreat that is regularly visited by the likes of Gwyneth Paltrow, and Liz Hurley.

Canonaco stated “We have seen great results on our guests with
AWT– ... it’s a lasting solution

OR CALL  1300 DIMPLES ( 1300 3467537)

In Scientific Trials 91% of patients would recommend the treatment to others.

Dr. med. Gerhard Sattler, from the
Rosenparkklinik in Darmstadt, Germany,
reports on a pilot study into the treatment
of cellulite using acoustic wave therapy

High patient satisfaction: After the ET, patients completed a questionnaire. The results showed that the improvement of the skin’s appearance was most evident with the D-Actor. In response
to the question of whether they would recommend the therapy to others, 91%,
answered yes With DA, the women reported
noticing more toned skin after an average
of 2.5 treatments.


Do you want to stop wasting money on creams and lotions that don't offer a long term solution ?

Our locations  Brisbane, Sunshine Coast , and Gold Coast

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